Custom Throw Pillows

We work with clients to de­sign and con­struct be­auti­ful throw pil­lows for any space. We are happy to do an in-home con­sul­ta­tion, and pro­vide swatches of materi­als to find the best look for your in­terior de­sign needs. Ad­ditional­ly, we will work with a client’s in­terior de­sign­er di­rect­ly, if pre­fer­red.

We also have fin­is­hed throw pil­low de­signs avail­able for purchase here. If you al­ready have fab­ric you love, we can simp­ly con­struct the pil­lows for you as well.

Pric­ing for cus­tom de­sign and con­struc­tion of throw pil­lows is based on the com­plex­ity of the pro­ject, and is avail­able upon re­quest.

We also offer wedd­ing, brid­al, and baby show­er Gift of De­sign Pac­kages, which can be purchased in our Etsy shop.

Please call or email for an ap­point­ment.